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Fétiche – émission culturelle au caustic comedy club carouge

Fétiche émission-interview culturelle présentée par Adrien Laplana et Malik Kaufmann reçoit Linn Molineaux pour son premier numéro au Caustic Comedy Club à Carouge.

50 ans du droit de vote des femmes en suisse

Poème-hommage pour les 50 ans de l’obtention du droit de vote fédéral par les femmes suisses.

European Poetry Festival – Long form interview 3:am magazine

PF Digital 2020 presents, supported by Pro Helvetia, new long-form video-interviews with poets from Switzerland interviewed by Steven J. Fowler and published as part of the Maintenant series at 3:AM Magazine London.


European Literature Network – french book week

The European Literature Network was created with the mission of championing great writing from Europe in the UK – and doing it together. Open to writers, translators, publishers, agents, festival directors, arts managers and journalists, ELNet is a free, collaborative hub for sharing news, events, videos, blogs, poetry, prose, translations and reviews. As part of the French Book Week in July 2020, Linn Molineaux was invited to record 3 extracts from her first book Watch the sound of mountains (Regarde le bruit des montagnes) in bilingual (EN-FR) videos.


Poèmes en confinement // Poem in lockdown

La série de poèmes en confinement a été réalisée lors du confinement imposé par la pandémie de coronavirus. Textes de Linn Molineaux – Musique de Florane Gruffel

The poem in lockdown video was made during the lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic. Text by Linn Molineaux – Music by Florane Gruffel